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New York Child Support Attorneys

Calculating the right amount of child support in a divorce is critical. At our New York City law firm, PM Law PC, our attorneys provide clients throughout the state with litigation services and support for complicated financial legal conflicts. The firm regularly handles high net worth divorce cases and consult our clients through child support conflicts. They are child support attorneys who are strong negotiators, tough litigators and innovative financial problem solvers.

Calculating Child Support In New York

The state of New York uses a formula to calculate child support and determine support obligations for divorcing spouses. The child support guidelines consider several factors, including:

  • The number of children who need support
  • The income of both parents
  • The parties’ custody arrangement

There is always discretion for courts to deviate from the child support guidelines based on the best interests of the children. Extraordinary circumstances can include:

  • Specific educational needs and goals
  • The cost of a child’s extracurricular activities
  • Significant medical expenses

The court will also consider each parent’s nonmonetary support. Any special needs of the child can be considered when determining child support obligations. The court will always consider what is in the best interests of the child and has discretion to direct support for a child’s needs.

Seeking Modifications Of Child Support

The court will determine settlement negotiations and child support obligations based on the divorcing parties’ current financial circumstances. However, it is not uncommon for a spouse’s circumstances to change significantly as time passes after a divorce. A party can seek a modification of child support if:

  • Three years have passed since the original order or last modification of support.
  • There has been a substantial change in a party’s circumstances.
  • There has been at least a 15% increase or decrease in a party’s income since the decree was entered or last modified.

In addition, the state of New York also provides for cost-of-living modifications of child support orders, starting two years after the original order was entered. If you need a child support attorney and your divorce involves complicated financial issues or if you need a modification of an existing support order and need to show that there has been a substantial change in circumstances or a significant financial change, our attorneys have the financial background and experience to advocate and negotiate on your behalf.

Schedule A Consultation With A New York Child Support Lawyer

Our attorneys are available for initial case assessments and consultations. To schedule an in-person or virtual initial consultation, contact the firm by calling the office at 917-634-8715 or by sending an email through this online form.