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Why summer vacation won’t save your marriage

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2024 | DIVORCE - Divorce

If your marriage feels like it’s on life support, can a private getaway this summer save it?

Probably not. In fact, going on vacation with your spouse may actually hasten a divorce. Despite all the hype you may see in movies or on television, a romantic retreat does very little for couples on the brink of separation.

All that togetherness just makes the problems more apparent

The reality is that people lead busy lives – and that keeps them apart from their significant others the greater part of every week. If one or both parties tend to be “workaholics,” that could be the source of a lot of marital strain.

In most cases, however, a couple’s daily routine and actual lack of togetherness is the only thing keeping them from realizing exactly how incompatible they are. Change that dynamic with a summer vacation and you may end up with two people who:

  • Do not seem to enjoy each other’s company like they once did (and may not even like each other very much anymore)
  • Have very little in common except for the fact that they live in the same house and share the same social circle
  • Are struggling with their own individual issues that take precedence over their relationship and leave them with little energy for “marital drama”

In short, all the problems that are in a marriage before vacation are going to be there during vacation – and there won’t be anything to distract you and your spouse from them. 

On the positive side of things, if you decide to see what happens on vacation anyhow, you may just gain the clarity you need to either recommit yourself to your relationship or take the first steps toward a divorce.